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Mastering Gutenberg: Advanced Tips and Tricks for the WordPress Block Editor

The Gutenberg block editor has revolutionized how content is created and managed in WordPress. Since its introduction, it has evolved significantly, offering powerful tools and features for creating visually stunning and highly functional content. This blog will delve into advanced tips and tricks for mastering Gutenberg, helping you make the most of this robust editor and elevate your WordPress site.

Mastering Gutenberg: Advanced Tips and Tricks for the WordPress Block Editor

1. Utilize Reusable Blocks for Efficiency

Reusable blocks are a feature that allows you to save content blocks and reuse them across different posts and pages. This is especially useful for elements like call-to-action sections or promotional banners that you want to appear consistently throughout your site.

  • How to Use: Create a block that you want to reuse, select the block, and click on the three-dot menu. Choose “Add to Reusable Blocks” and give it a name. You can then insert this block into any page or post and update it globally from one place.
  • Benefit: Reusable blocks save time and ensure consistency across your site, making content management more efficient.

2. Master Advanced Block Patterns

Block patterns are predefined layouts that you can insert into your content. Gutenberg 6.0 and beyond have expanded block pattern options, allowing you to create complex layouts with just a few clicks.

  • How to Use: Access block patterns by clicking the “+” button in the editor and selecting “Patterns.” Browse available patterns or create your custom patterns for specific layouts. Save frequently used patterns to streamline content creation.
  • Benefit: Block patterns speed up the content creation process and provide a quick way to achieve professional layouts without manual adjustments.

3. Leverage Custom CSS for Block Styling

While Gutenberg offers many styling options out of the box, you can further customize block appearances using custom CSS. This allows for more detailed and specific styling tailored to your needs.

  • How to Use: Add custom CSS in the “Additional CSS” section of the WordPress Customizer or directly in your theme’s stylesheet. Target specific blocks using their unique class names or custom classes assigned in the block settings.
  • Benefit: Custom CSS enables you to achieve unique design elements and ensure that your blocks match your site’s overall aesthetics.

4. Incorporate Dynamic Content with Shortcodes

Shortcodes can be used within Gutenberg blocks to embed dynamic content such as forms, galleries, or special features. This integration allows for more interactive and engaging content without leaving the block editor.

  1. How to Use: Add a Shortcode block to your post or page and insert your shortcode into the block. The content generated by the shortcode will be displayed in the editor and on the front end of your site.
  2. Benefit: Shortcodes extend the functionality of Gutenberg blocks, allowing for complex features and integrations within your content.

5. Explore the Full Site Editing (FSE) Capabilities

Full Site Editing is a feature that allows you to use Gutenberg to design and manage entire site layouts, including headers, footers, and sidebars. This comprehensive approach provides greater control over site-wide design.

  • How to Use: Access Full Site Editing by navigating to the “Site Editor” in the WordPress dashboard. Here, you can customize global elements, apply templates, and make site-wide design adjustments.
  • Benefit: FSE enables you to create a cohesive and customized design across your entire site, improving consistency and user experience.

6. Optimize Block Performance with Lazy Loading

Lazy loading is a technique that delays the loading of images and other media until they are needed. This can improve page load times and overall site performance.

  • How to Use: Implement lazy loading by adding the loading=”lazy” attribute to image and iframe blocks. WordPress 5.5 and later versions include native support for lazy loading, making it easier to apply.
  • Benefit: Lazy loading enhances performance by reducing initial page load times, which can positively impact user experience and SEO.

7. Utilize the Block Directory for New Blocks

The Block Directory provides access to a wide range of additional blocks developed by the WordPress community. These blocks can enhance your content creation capabilities and add new functionalities.

  • How to Use: Click the “+” button in the editor and select “Browse all” to open the Block Directory. Explore and install blocks that suit your needs, and integrate them into your content.
  • Benefit: The Block Directory offers a wealth of options for expanding your block editor’s functionality, enabling you to create richer and more diverse content.


Mastering Gutenberg involves exploring its advanced features and utilizing them to their full potential. By leveraging reusable blocks, advanced block patterns, custom CSS, and other tools, you can create dynamic and visually appealing content with ease.

At SaskatoonTech, we are committed to helping you make the most of the WordPress website, ensuring your site stands out with modern and effective design elements.